Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Dynamics GP Partner Tragedy

This morning I fielded a question on Experts-Exchange about third party products for Dynamics GP 2010.  The customer was asking about inventory barcoding and warehouse management using Dynamics GP.

One of my recommendations to the GP customer was to consult with their GP partner to help them analyze their requirements and then get their help with reviewing the third party solutions.

To my horror, the customer replied:

"The GP partner in our area doesn't have any experience with GP 2010."

Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!  Wake me up, I'm having a nightmare!!!!!

I don't know any of the details, but that statement alone tells me that something is very wrong.  If I take the statement at face value, it means that there is a GP partner out there potentially selling software that they can't support.  Interpreting further, could it mean that the partner is comfortable with prior versions of GP, but for some inexplicable reason thinks GP 2010 is somehow different or more complex?  That just doesn't make sense.

So without knowing more, I can say one thing with confidence:  Regardless of the partner's competence, the customer thinks that the partner is incompetent, which is all that matters in terms of the customer's perception of, and experience with Dynamics GP.  And so the customer is now turning to Experts-Exchange to get help (one question at a time!) on selecting a warehouse management solution? 

That, folks, is a tragedy!

There are soooo many well staffed, well trained, experienced, certified, competent, helpful, and friendly partners that there should be zero reason why a Dynamics GP customer can't be working with a partner that they are satisfied with, and who helps them successfully implement Microsoft Dynamics GP, which they have paid thousands of dollars to purchase.

We (competent consultants) take classes, we study, we take exams, we get certifications, we do research, and we work very hard to make sure that we know as much as possible to help our clients and produce customer satisfaction. 

Sure, there are situations where a partner isn't an expert in an industry or in a particular module.  And yes, there are situations where customers in some cities or remote locations may not be able to find the perfect partner in their back yard, but as a GP consultant that supports customers remotely across the US and in other countries, I can say with confidence that geography shouldn't stop any customer from finding a partner or even an independent consultant that they can work with.

So PLEASE, I beg you, stop the tragedy.

Customers:  You have the right to work with a certified, competent, professional Dynamics GP partner.  Demand one!  Find one!  There are plenty of partners looking for you to be their customer.

Partners:  Please work with your customers to make them happy and let them know that you care!  If you know your stuff, show your customer!  If you don't know your stuff, get your act together, since it makes all GP partners and even Dynamics GP look bad.

And with that, please have a happy holidays, software nightmare and partner tragedy free.

Steve Endow is a Dynamics GP Certified Trainer and Dynamics GP Certified Professional.  He is also the owner of Precipio Services, which provides Dynamics GP integrations, customizations, and automation solutions.


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