Monday, March 8, 2010

Returning to the swing of things

It's been a while since I posted on this lovely little blog of ours. And I wanted to update all of our faithful readers, on what I have been doing with my time. On January 10th, we had our first child - Aubrey Jean. So the past couple months have been filled with diapers and lack of sleep, but with plenty of joy as well (she just started smiling a lot in the past couple weeks).

So I was on maternity leave for 6 weeks, and I am now starting my third week back at work. I feel like I am getting in to the swing of things, so a return to the blog is in order. I am also working on a project for Microsoft Learning, updating the installation and configuration curriculum for the upcoming release of Microsoft Dynamics 2010. I am also prepping a What's New in GP 2010 presentation for the upcoming MCT Virtual Summit in April. So I should have plenty to share with you all over the coming weeks!

I know Steve has been keeping up with some great development posts, and I keep seeing all the conversation going back and forth which is the whole reason we started this blog. So I look forward to getting back in to the conversation from an application perspective soon!

Take care,


Unknown said...

She's adorable, Christina. Congrats and I am sure you would be loving each and every moment now.

God be with that cute lil' angel in each step she takes in life.


Christina Belding said...

Christina, she is absolutely precious! Remember to blow her lots of kisses, and when she blows them back-catch them and put them right in your pocket so you'll always have them handy. :) Congratulations to all of you!

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks, Christina and Vaidy!