Thursday, April 16, 2009

More than I ever wanted to know about eConnect and MSDTC

In my last post, I discussed the eConnect error that returned "The transaction has already been implicitly or explicitly committed or aborted."

I found that using the Enlist=False parameter on the eConnect transaction string would sometimes make the error go away, but at the risk of incomplete transaction handling.

The second possibility was that the MSDTC Transaction Manager Communication security setting needed to be changed to "No Authentication Required."

And the third possibility was that a firewall or network configuration issue was causing a problem.

Today I worked with the client to troubleshoot the issue, and it turns out that the Enlist=False trick no longer worked. We were now receiving the error with Enlist=False. I then tried setting both the server and client workstation to No Authentication Required. But that didn't work.

So, on to Plan C, to research what possible network configuration issues could cause the error.

While reading various forums, I came across some links to two free Microsoft tools that help diagnose issues with DTC network communications: DTCPing and DTCTester

DTCPing tests several lower level types of network communication between two machines to diagnose possible configuration issues that prevent DTC from working properly.

DTCTester operates at a higher level and connects to SQL Server, creates a temp table, creates a transaction as it inserts data, and then commits the transaction, utilizing DTC in the process.

Before testing it in the client's environment, I tested it on my development machines. Between two Windows Server 2003 HyperV virtual server, after a few tweaks and adjustments, I was able to get DTCPing to work fine, showing proper communication between the two servers.

When I tested it between my physical Windows XP workstation and a Windows 2003 HyperV virtual server, I was able to get some communication, but ultimately received an error.

On my XP workstation, I got:

RPC server is ready
Please Start Partner DTCping before pinging
++++++++++++Validating Remote Computer Name++++++++++++
Invoking RPC method on server1
RPC test is successful
++++++++++++RPC test completed+++++++++++++++
++++++++++++Start DTC Binding Test +++++++++++++
Trying Bind to server1
Binding call to server1 Failed
Session Down

And on the server, I got:

RPC server is ready
Please Start Partner DTCping before pinging
Please hit PING button to complete the test
++++++++++++Start Reverse Bind Test+++++++++++++
Received Bind call from XP
Trying Reverse Bind to XP
Error(0x5) at ServerManager.cpp @453
-->RPC reverse BIND failed
-->5(Access is denied.)
Reverse Binding to XP Failed
Session Down

Even after turning off all firewalls, verifying IP addresses, and checking configurations, I don't know the cause of the Access denied message. But since I knew two of my servers could communicate without errors, I tried the DTCPing tool in the client environment.

UPDATE: Reader 'Maxim' provided a solution for the Access Denied error. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\RPC, add or change the DWORD value "RestrictRemoteClients" = 0. This is apparently a network security / firewall feature that was enabled in Windows XP SP2 to restrict anonymous RPC access to a machine.

On the XP client machine, the DTCPing had no errors, but when I ran it on the server, trying to connect to the client, I received the following error:

Error(0xB7) at nameping.cpp @43
-->gethostbyname failure

I then tried to ping the client from the server, and sure enough, no response. After checking the IP addresses, I found that the server was resolving the client workstation name to the wrong IP address, presumably the result of the network move that had taken place recently. It appeared that the internal DNS server had not been updated with the new IP address.

As a temporarily solution, I added a record to the hosts file under C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, listing the actual IP address of the workstation along with its fully qualified domain name (i.e. XP.DOMAIN.local). I then ran nbtstat -R to purge the name resolution cache, and then performed a ping to confirm that the server would now use the proper IP address.

I wasn't sure if that was the cause of the problem, so I went ahead and tested with DTCTester, which completed its test successfully.

We then ran the eConnect integration, and it appeared to work fine--no more transaction errors!

Although it seems like an odd cause of the issue, I'm hopeful that the IP address fix was the solution and that the error will no longer occur. But the client has at least 35,000 more transactions to import, so I'll find out soon enough.


Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for the post. I helped me to make eConnect to work between GP server and a workstation.

As per "Access Denied" error, I've added DWORD value "RestrictRemoteClients" = 0 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\RPC based on the first answer

Steve Endow said...

Glad it was helpful.

Thanks a lot for the update about the Access Denied error!

Unknown said...

Thanks, this really helped me

nburdy said...

Wow! I cannot tell you how much this has helped me, I almost commited suicide trying to debug this.

My scenario: MSDTC over VPN to SQL Server (via .NET)
I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate.
The key RPC wasnt under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\
so I created it and added the DWORD, now all is good.

Thanks again.