Friday, September 5, 2014

The kinder, gentler BSOD

By Steve Endow

I just finished testing a new release of a Dynamics GP integration.  I was in the middle of updating my documentation, working in Word, something I've done for a few years on my desktop computer.

After typing a word, blam-o, both monitors go black and then one turns blue.


This is the first time I've seen a BSOD on Windows 8 / 8.1.  While less obnoxious than the old Windows NT-style blue screens, it is no more comforting.

My hardware hasn't changed, and I haven't done anything crazy with new software, so hopefully this isn't a sign of my desktop jumping off a cliff like my file server did a few weeks ago.

Thankfully Word recovered my document, so I didn't lose any work.  And Windows 8.1 with an SSD boots up lightning fast, so I was back up and working quickly, but a BSOD is not what I wanted to see today.

Is it possible to actually get work done without interruption?

Steve Endow is a Microsoft MVP for Dynamics GP and a Dynamics GP Certified IT Professional in Los Angeles.  He is the owner of Precipio Services, which provides Dynamics GP integrations, customizations, and automation solutions.

You can also find him on Google+ and Twitter

1 comment:

dkrizik said...

I always have to read a BSOD post...thanks for the 411 on what it looks like in win 8.