Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Windows update can cause GP VBA issues

Several years ago I developed several Modifier & VBA mods for a client that used Citrix server. The mods worked fine on the Citrix servers for Administrators and some users, but for other users, the VBA simply would not work. After weeks of research and fiddling in the registry, my recollection was that the only resolution we found was a blanket registry permission change, elevating the user's permissions in a large branch of the registry to full control. Not ideal, but after spending hours, we eventually had to just resolve the issue and move on.

Well, it appears that this type of issue may come up more, but fortunately there is a patch this time. Greg Wilson (Microsoft) has written a post on the Developing for Dynamics GP blog that explains how a Windows Update has caused registry permission issues with VBA mods, and has information about the rollup update that fixes the problem.

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