Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My favorite Dynamics GP inventory item for testing

If you have done Dynamics GP demos and had to create a SOP, POP, or Inventory transaction, you've had to choose at least one inventory item to test with.  After doing this enough times, you have probably found an item or two that works.  Preferably one that has quantity on hand, that is assigned to the default warehouse, that is assigned to the vendor, and especially one that isn't serialized.

For years I used to rely on the old standby, 100XLG, our favorite "Green Phone".  It was always at the top of the list, usually had quantity on hand, and was reasonably priced.

But after poking around for additional items to test with, I discovered my new favorite:  FTRUB

Although the description claims they are Rubber Feet, I just love the Item Number, "foot rub". 

Well, yes, it's ERP-geeky, but I thought it was pretty funny. 

FTRUB is now my go-to inventory item for testing.  Post an Inventory Adjustment for 1,000 of those gems, assign it to vendor ACETRAVE0001, and you are all set.

Steve Endow is a Dynamics GP Certified Trainer and Dynamics GP Certified IT Professional in Los Angeles.  He is also the owner of Precipio Services, which provides Dynamics GP integrations, customizations, and automation solutions.

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